Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday Morning Musings

Muse Upon This:

“Your mind must be like a parachute –
it’s of no use at all unless it opens up.”

James Murphy

So, what are you doing to keep your mind open? Is it open? When was the last time you challenged your beliefs? Did you even think that your beliefs can (or should) be challenged? (You can read more about what I think about beliefs here...) What are you doing to open your parachute?


@MuseLaura said...

Learning, learning, learning keeps my parachute open. In fact, I find my parachute is not only open, it is getting bigger. My beliefs are being challenged regularly, perhaps even daily, from what I find in books.

Another way I keep my parachute open is from something one of my teachers taught me. Always respond to a new idea with, “What if...” In other words, “What if this is true.” It keeps you open to hearing more of what the other is saying.

I also like to surround myself with vibrant people. People who embrace life, love to learn, and are open to even more possibilities...

@MuseKaren said...

I love to learn new things and find that learning is a great way to help keep my mind open.

New experiences and adventures, especially travel, will challenge my beliefs. Not only my beliefs of things outside of myself but also my beliefs about myself.

Marya said...

I actually enjoy learning about things, especially when they don't fit with my current beliefs. I may still disagree but at least I do so from an informed point of view.
Anything that challenges my mind and my body keeps me open (yet again, learning something new).
And challenging myself to do things I may not be sure about (fearful?). I usually find, of course, that not only is it not fearful but may in fact turn out to be enjoyable!
I use my feelings as a guide. As long as I feel good and am a kind and loving person towards others, I know I'm staying on the right track.

Tamlin said...

Exploring! I think that the best way for me to keep my mind open is by exploring everything around me. I try and look at things from a child's eye and see the adventure in small everyday things. A walk to the grocery store becomes an adventure in meeting new people, seeing new things, looking at a garden that you've seen a hundred times to find the one thing that you've missed.

When I go to a grocery store, I'll often look around and find something interesting that I haven't tried before. Even if it is a horrible disaster, I can say that I have tried it...I have a story to tell about adventure to share about it.

Beth said...

I have always thought my beliefs should be challenged--to the point where I have considered myself to be wishy-washy at times. I did not have confidence in my beliefs (and myself) which is not the same as having a open mind and understanding various points of view. My mind was so open and ready for new things the first time I stepped onto a yoga mat and it has been the best thing in the world for me.

Heather RYT 500 said...

Debating keeps my belief, especially when it is relating to philosophical and contemplative ideas. I even go so far as to challenge beliefs whether mine or not just to find out more to contemplate.

I love to learn, I love to acquire information whether its from the people I meet or the classes I go to or even the books I read.

My greatest belief challenger is to teach. I have taught at many levels and the most challenging arenas are the ones that include enough people to get diversity in the field that I teach and yet not so big that people are afraid to speak their beliefs.

Tracy said...

As a belief rises to my awareness, I ask myself if that belief is still supporting me in a compassionate and joyful way. If the answer is no then i start whatever process is appropriate to let that belief go. Learning that I can release outdated beliefs has given an expanse to my life that is so freeing.

I look forward to each new day.