Thursday, October 30, 2008

Monday Morning Musings

Muse Upon This:

How do you know what you want?

“Some people say they don’t know what they want.
They’re lying.
You always know what you want. You may not want to admit it, thought, not even to yourself.
When you state what you want, you then either have to start making it happen or you have to start making excuses for it not happening.
Sometimes it’s just easier to say you don’t know what you want.
But that’s a lie.
You do know.
So admit it.
No one is looking.
No one is listening.
So what do you want?”

Joe Vitale, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual

Cuts right to the heart of the matter, doesn't it? How powerful. I experienced a “want” that I kept hidden from myself for years because I wasn’t up to what it was going to teach me. Curious? Read my response below. Let us know what you want! If you aren't ready to share, let us know you have stated it for yourself!


@MuseLaura said...

So, I am about to publicly admit something I have long hidden. My lifelong “want” that I denied forever was I wanted to be famous. Yes, it is true. I have long dreamed of being famous (way back to when Robin Leach was doing “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”). It felt so shallow and ego-driven I was embarrassed to admit it, even to myself. So I kept it hidden, deep inside, where it was itching to get out. When I finally decided to relax and explore it, I discovered a deeper truth for me. It wasn’t about being well-known, it was about being a great teacher. I used to set “those teachers” (the famous ones) on a higher platform than me, they were “there” and I was “here”. To let myself believe I could be "there", I would have to be something bigger than I had been; I would have to grow, and that was the piece that was scaring me. I am now ready. I am “here” now and “here” used to be “there”!

@MuseKaren said...

That is a great quote and how true! For me, this all happened in little steps. First I had to figure out what I wanted. Then I played with it a little bit - dreaming, imagining. I'm in the "make it happen" place right now. I'm doing at least ONE thing every day to realize my dream. It is so much fun!

Beth said...

I want to live without regret. I want to recognize when my tendency to be cautious gets in the way of experiencing something that will enrich my life and then DO IT!

SAS said...

Brave of you to admit that you wanted to be famous. I have actually thought that about you .. SHE WANTS TO BE A GREAT TEACHER. It was just something I already knew and saw and this actually mean FAME. As a child I thought I would and wanted to be famous too, but have never admitted this out loud ... thank you for bringing this in front of me. Wow! Two weeks in a row Morning Musings has really made me think in ways I had not!!

Tracy said...

I want to help others and one of the ways I can do that is with a successful jewelry business. My focus is making pieces that people can use to enhance their lives. I have been thinking of it for a year, not really admitting that it is what I want. Two weeks ago it dawned on me that I was afraid and that was why I was hesitating. I was afraid that it would be a success and that the success would pin me down, not allow me to fulfill my other dreams. Now that I realize this, it is no longer an issue because I know I can manifest whatever flexibility that I need. Both last Monday's musing as well as the one today have really helped me open my eyes and my heart.

@MuseLaura said...

Beth, I LOVE your thought. What power, in the excitement of doing something AND in the no longer wasting energy in regret.

SAS, what was your fame about? What would you like to do and have people know about you?

Tracy, you go, girl! I have seen your work. You are on your way...

@MuseLaura said...

Here is Tracy's jewelry site:

SAS said...

I love this forum for discussion .. thanks for asking Laura. My fame was about leading and influencing others -- and it was not specific. I am not sure "what I would like to do and what people would need to know about me."... YET. But, I know it will happen.

Anonymous said...

I want to live with passion in my daily living, my relationships and my actions. sometimes my "wants" do not fit my current reality.

Marya said...

Over a year ago I took Laura & Karen's Manifesting course and learned that :gasp: I could WANT things! WOW! Not just everyday things (a pair of jeans, tacos, a new book) but BIG things. Once I started to explore that I also unearthed the things that held me back, many of which I wasn't even conscious of before. So what do I want? I want to write books, and teach big yoga classes and speak in front of thousands of people and to have money and to be a professional belly dancer and to have land for a big garden! It's kind of like setting high standards for yourself. I'm just not going to settle for anything less than my heart's desire!

Tamlin said...

I have a few that I would like to share....

I want to be ok with time passing and people coming and going in my life. to find that balance between holding on to tight and finding the gratitude and joy in each precious moment.

To remember to see life through child's eyes every once in a while. To let the beauty and awe of such a large world strike my soul purely.

To be open to success, money and plentifulness.