Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: Making the "Right" Decision

Muse Upon This:

Are you waiting to make the “right” decision?

In my coaching practice, I find my clients are often stymied in their life because they are searching for the “right” answer. What is the “right” decision? The one that makes everything perfect? The one that has NO problems or issues attached to it? Do you REALLY want that dull of a life? Really? Aren’t the bumps in the road what have made you stretch and reach? Given you more vibrancy? Made you come alive? In last week’s musing, I alluded to making a decision when you were feeling good rather than bad. (hmmmm...interesting, whenever I write “good” I always type “god” first...coincidence? OR, when you are feeling “good” are you feeling “God?”) If you are feeling good when you make a decision, you are making a decision more connected to your Spirit, your inner guidance. If you are feeling bad, you are letting fear guide you. If you felt good when you made a decision, know it is for your higher good regardless of what happens!

I don’t believe in regret. Really. When I see all the good that has come from every “wrong” decision I have made, how can I see it as “wrong?”

So, today I encourage you to consider a decision you want to make. Are you searching for the right answer? Get yourself feeling really good and then go with what feels right to you in that moment. If you have a decision you have made in the past that you felt was “wrong”, is there another perspective you can have? Did you learn and grow from it?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: Coming From Love

Muse Upon This

Never make a decision from fear...

Of course, the positive corollary is always make a decision from love. Think of how we feel when fear sets in and we rush to make a decision (or rush to avoid making a decision.) When you feel the specter of fear, stop, take three deep breaths and step away from the situation. Do what you need to do to feel better. You don’t even need to feel better about the situation, just better in general. Go for a walk, talk to a friend, eat something yummy, listen to inspiring music, sleep on it. The better you feel, the higher the perspective you will have on the situation, the easier the “right” decision will come up. I say “right” in quotes because I actually don’t believe in “right” or “wrong” decisions. (More on that in next week’s mmm!) Think of it instead as the best decision for your spirit rather than your fear.

So, what can you do to remember to make a decision from love? Know what I do? Read my comment...

Additional thought: If I begin to feel regret for a decision, I remember how I was feeling when I made it. Feeling good? Good chance it was a fabulous decision that is stretching me. Not so good? Good chance I rushed in with fear and the result is I will have a lesson in why I won’t do that again!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: 1/19/09

Muse Upon This:

When you illuminate yourself, you give people
permission to illuminate themselves.”
~ Michael

What helps you come alive? What feels really, really, deep-down good to your core? Have you ever considered how feeling good at YOUR core affects OTHERS at THEIR core? This quote changes the paradigm around taking care of yourself. And doesn’t the word, “illuminating” seems so much more profound, deeper and more resonant with your Spirit? To be illuminated is beyond taking care of your basic needs such as getting enough rest, having enough free time, or exercising regularly. Illumination comes from a glow from within when you are connected to your Higher Self, knowing who you are and LOVING that person deeply. When you love yourself that deeply, you can allow others to let down their guard to illuminate their inner being as well. Now that is power I can support!

What lights you up? What gets you going? Not sure? Join us for some ideas and let us help you illuminate your inner self! Want to know what I love? I have some good ones to share...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: 1/12/09

Muse Upon This:

Is it time to shape your life?

As the Buddha said, “As an irrigator guides water to his fields, as an archer aims an arrow, as a carpenter carves wood, the wise shape their lives.” Our life often seems to happen by “accident”, falling into one job or relationship or physical shape and just staying there out of habit. Where in your life are you still doing things by habit? Is it time to shape your life? What do you want to say you now are, do, or have on January 12, 2010 that you cannot say right now? It could be in the spiritual, physical, mental, or financial realm. Or maybe about your relationships. What do you want to be different one year from today? If you want something to change, set an intention to change it. Write it down. Tell others (like us!) Set action steps.

Let us know: What do you want for January 12, 2010? What one thing will you do in the next 24-hours to take yourself closer to your intention? I have something I have wanted and I am ready to publicly commit to making a change. Read it in my comment...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: 1/5/08

Muse Upon This:

“What if you had no obligations?

Stick with me if your initial reaction was “but that is so irresponsible!” I am not saying get rid of your obligations, I am encouraging you to shift your paradigm around things you see as obligations. Do you know what some synonyms of “obligation” are? Duty, Task, Job, Onus, Liability, Requirement, and then this beauty, Burden. Can I just say, “yuck”? I had a yoga student (who is also a yoga teacher) recently say: "I want teaching to be a natural part of my grace." When she said that, it got me thinking. What if everything I did was a natural part of my grace? The root of the word grace is from Latin and means “pleasing and thankful.” So, what if we did everything from a place of gratitude and love rather than seeing them as a “burden”?

Okay, so what are some burdens you have? How can you reframe them? Here are some thoughts I wrote about taxes awhile back. I reposted the more important points in light of this musing. You can also read my comments to learn about a life-changing shift I made. What else are you ready to shift? Let us know...also let us know if you can’t see how to shift it. We’d love to brainstorm ideas!