Thursday, April 2, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: Be Silently Drawn

Muse Upon This:

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of that which you really love.”
~ Rumi

Ahhhh...Rumi. One of my favorites poets. Interesting how thoughts from the 13th century can still resonate with us today. So, what do you really love? Do you know yet? (It is okay if you don’t. Just putting your thoughts on it today will help you get closer to discovering what “it” is for you.) Do you let yourself be drawn toward it? Or does fear keep you from exploring it more deeply? How can you be drawn toward it a little more, right now, in this moment?

This feel good is a gift from me. May your body feel good today! (By the way, it is 7 min long so it a bit MORE of a feel good moment than I usually send! :-) ) Enjoy!


@MuseLaura said...

I have known for a long time what I love. I love feeling good and being inspired. I love even more helping others feel that way. Interestingly, fear often keeps me from either doing it at all or fully enjoying it when I am doing it. “Silently drawn” intrigues me. I tend to force things to happen. Today I will soften around this one. I want to fully experience the being “silently drawn.”

@MuseKaren said...

I love being outside in nature and fresh air. It is beautiful today - I will let myself be drawn to it and go for a long walk, being aware of each breath I take. I love Spring!

Tamlin said...

Some of what I love is obvious (family, friends, etc.) but there have been other things in my life that have taken some experimentation to find (motorcycling, knitting, yoga, climbing, adventure). When I find something that interests me, I take a bit of time to explore it through books and talking with people. I take classes where I can and determine what my feelings are around what I'm doing. I think by taking my time to explore, this helps dissolve a lot of the fears as well as self-judgment.

Beth said...

I love yoga and this weekend I have been drawn to my practice by reading a new book by Charlotte Bell, "Mindful Yoga, Mindful Life". Just reading about her life and experiences has silently drawn me to deepen my commitment to my own yoga.

Jill said...

On the surface of my awareness there are many things I love; yet I feel that my true, deeper calling is still waiting to reveal itself. This is a good one for me because I enjoy taking action toward my own personal discovery, and I also enjoy silence. Today, my action will be listening fully to what comes to me in silence.

@MuseLaura said...

Such beautiful thoughts...I am looking forward to what happens today...

Marya said...

Funny how when I find something I love I rarely feel "silently drawn" to it, but more like steadily immersed into it. It feels more like a yearning, an aching, a can't wait to go back again feeling.
I love to help others, I love dancing, I love growing and cooking food. And I'm not holding back. I am helping others, I dance every chance I get and I'm eager to become a Life Coach and a Holistic Nutritionist. I guess for me I am definitely drawn, it's just not so silent!

@MuseLaura said...

MuseMarya: Good point! That is the way I feel, too. I am intrigued by what it would feel if I was more silently drawn...