Thursday, December 11, 2008

Monday Morning Musings

Muse Upon This

“My real role in life is to suit up and show up
and then turn the results over to God.”

Are you fully showing up everywhere in your life? Are you playing full-on? Are you really suiting up and showing up? Where are you holding back? What excuses, or “Good Stories” have you created to help yourself feel better about not doing what you know in your heart you are capable of doing? What will it take to get you playing your full game?

I realized a few years ago I wasn’t playing my full game, doing what I knew in my heart I was capable of doing. My big wake up call was when a student offhandedly mentioned, “You know, there are people out there who need to learn from you. Your playing small is hurting them.” Hmmm...that made me think. I never thought of letting my fears run areas of my life as hurting others. If you aren’t yet sharing your gift, the world is waiting for you to share your gift. I am waiting. What will it take? I have something more I am going to add to my life that I have been holding back on...I am publicly committing...want to know more? Read my comment. Want to join me? Come on...isn’t it about time?


@MuseLaura said...

So, since getting pregnant with my daughter my personal yoga practice has been scattered at best. I have been totally okay with a smaller practice. It was appropriate to have my attention on my young children. My youngest is now 5 years old. I still have a scattered practice. “I don’t have time.” “The kids are distracting.” “I need to sleep.” Blah, blah, blah. I am now getting up each morning, before my home awakens, to do my practice. Ahhhh...that feels good. That is playing my full game.

SAS said...

I know what you mean, Laura. I have every excuse tied in with NOT doing yoga. I keep asking "what is the hurdle for me" ... just more excuses. I'm not beating myself up, but know I could feel so much better. That said ... it really is about telling myself a story, which then I start to believe ... you've inspired me to turn it up a notch and stop the stories! Thanks.

@MuseKaren said...

And I have every excuse tied into not exercising yet I want to be lean and strong! My best and most expressed story is..."I just took a shower and now I'll have to take another." My husband always points out my excuses to me. Time to play full-on. I'm worth the time and the effort and I want to feel lean and strong.

Marya said...

Oh my goodness, where do I begin? My biggest excuse for awhile was time. I don't have enough time, there isn't enough time, if only I had more time, that is such a waste of time!
I am grateful that I recently got deeper into this belief - to the story beneath the story, so to speak - and I'm ready to really let it go! I'm not even allowed to utter any of those words again. When I start to wonder why I haven't done something yet, I just think, "Because I just need to do it!" So now I'm doing it. What?
Writing, cleaning and organizing, letting go of things I don't really need to do, practicing meditation, yoga and dancing.

Tamlin said... many excuses...where to start. I think what finally helped pull me out of the "excuse vortex" was surrender. Figuring out what my "authentic priorities" were versus the should's, could's, must's, etc.