Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monday Morning Musings:

Muse Upon This:

"If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves."

~ Thomas Alva Edison

Where in your life are you ready to live up to your capabilities? Are you ready to step up your relationships? Your career? Your parenting? Your listening? Your spiritual life? Are you ready to astound yourself? MuseKaren posted this one awhile ago. She ended her post with "I dare you." Frankly, it gave me goosebumps. (Perhaps it was the reference to elementary school -- not my brightest years! :-) )

So, what are you waiting for? I dare YOU!

Serious goosebumps here! I have watched it three times and still tear up! Let your dreams come true, too! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: It is never too late

Muse Upon This:

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
~ George Eliot

I am deeply inspired by vibrant, older adults; people who continue living, learning, and experiencing life long past when others have stopped “trying”. My parents are two of those people. On the eve of their seventieth birthdays, they are currently skiing down a mountain in Colorado. Or, at least, they were until my mom fell and broke her ankle. I told her I was so impressed she skied hard enough to break an ankle!

Then there are the Delaney sisters. (Forgive me if I get this story wrong. It has been awhile since I heard it and I might not have it exactly right. The gist is right on, though, and that is the point.) They lived to be 104 and 107. One was the first Black American woman allowed to teach domestic science in NY and the other was the second Black American woman to get her dentistry license. They lived boldly in their younger years so it is no surprise to hear they went boldly into their later years. They took up yoga (now you see why I told this story!) in their 80s and were still doing it into their 100s, visiting each other’s homes to practice together. (Yes, they still lived independently.) Oh, and did I mention? They are both in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the oldest authors. (Sadie wrote her last book at age 107!!)

How about a student I had who still inspires me. At age 72 she was considering doing my yoga teacher training because she had always wanted to be a yoga teacher. She is incredibly alive and vibrant. (She also said that one thing she did have to give up was roller blading. Not because of her age, mind you, but because her 82 year old boyfriend would want to do it with her. She then added, “I just don’t think he should be roller blading at his age!”)

Okay, so now let them inspire YOU! What have you put off? What do you feel it is “too late” to do? School? Run a marathon? Learn to cook? Travel? New career? To live more from love? Are you inspired yet?

While I think the yoga crowd might enjoy this the most, it is a smile for all! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Monday Morning Musings: Be Silently Drawn

Muse Upon This:

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of that which you really love.”
~ Rumi

Ahhhh...Rumi. One of my favorites poets. Interesting how thoughts from the 13th century can still resonate with us today. So, what do you really love? Do you know yet? (It is okay if you don’t. Just putting your thoughts on it today will help you get closer to discovering what “it” is for you.) Do you let yourself be drawn toward it? Or does fear keep you from exploring it more deeply? How can you be drawn toward it a little more, right now, in this moment?

This feel good is a gift from me. May your body feel good today! (By the way, it is 7 min long so it a bit MORE of a feel good moment than I usually send! :-) ) Enjoy!