Monday, September 29, 2008

The Art of Manifesting Your Dreams

~ To Live Your Authentic Life ~

The Art of Manifesting is learning how to make more conscious choices about what you put out into the world with your thoughts. You will learn to think differently by uncovering the false beliefs you have and revealing your fear areas so they no longer control you. As you do so, you will experience a new level of joy about your life. We believe that you will then be living “authentically”. Authentic living is living your true purpose; what resonates on a deep level as “right” for you. When you are living authentically, each day is joyful, easy, free, full of possibilities and opportunities. You will be able to see thing from a new perspective and appreciate all, even the challenges because you know there is a purpose to them as well.

Each session will have an introduction to the topic, followed by group discussion. You will then be encouraged to explore each topic more deeply though homework assignments – delicious homework that involves moving closer to your dreams!

Live classes begin quarterly and teleclasses begin January 2009. More Information.

1 comment:

@MuseLaura said...

So, I am about to publicly admit something I have long hidden. My lifelong “want” that I denied forever was I wanted to be famous. Yes, it is true. I have long dreamed of being famous (way back to when Robin Leach was doing “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”). It felt so shallow and ego-driven I was embarrassed to admit it, even to myself. So I kept it hidden, deep inside, where it was itching to get out. When I finally decided to relax and explore it, I discovered a deeper truth for me. It wasn’t about being well-known, it was about being a great teacher. I used to set “those teachers” (the famous ones) on a higher platform than me, they were “there” and I was “here”. To let myself believe I could be there, I would have to be something bigger than I had been; I would have to grow, and that was the piece that was scaring me. I am now ready. I am “here” now and “here” used to be “there”!