Monday, August 25, 2008

Dream Business

So, next week the Muses and I will be creating the vision for our company. As preparation, I am asking them to answer the following questions:

What does success look like to me? To me, success means:

What is it I love to do that lives at the heart of my dream business? My dream business is a vehicle that allows me to do:

What feelings do I want to experience as a result of my dream business? Because of my dream business, I get to feel:

Because of my dream business, I arrive at the end of the day feeling...

How would you answer these questions?

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I challenged all the Muses to do one thing this month to deepen living their values. (You can see a list of each of our values here.) How are they doing? Let's ask them... What are your values? Not sure? Think about what helps you feel good on a deep, spiritual level. Really core values are what help you feel more like your genuine, authentic self. You just feel good, joyful, and excited about yourself when you are living from your values. Want to challenge yourself to deepen living from your values? What would you like to do this month to do so?